







⭐️Autism spectrum disorder

I have a client who has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. He is very smart and has no problems with his studies. But he is very particular, and gets angry when things don't go according to schedule, and after that, he does not want to do anything. He has Asberger's syndrome, which is one of the autism spectrum disorders. He has a hard time living with it, but the family around him also has a hard time adjusting to him. He had been unable to go to school and that is why I was asked to do energy healing sessions.  

I have been doing weekly remote sessions with him for a year and a half. At first, his emotional energy (fear, anger, panic, worry, and sadness) was very unbalanced, and even though I corrected the imbalances in each session, it would become imbalanced again. However, after about six months of giving sessions, the emotional imbalances had lessened considerably.

Before, his emotions were unbalanced whether he was stressed or not, but after 6 month of giving sessions, his energy got unbalanced when he was stressed, but after a while the imbalance disappeared and the energy flowed normally. And after about a year of sessions, his emotions were not unbalanced anymore most of the time.

He was able to go to school about 4 months ago when the emotional, meridian, and basic energy imbalances were gone. Since that time, I had been eliminating the energy of his past traumas. The energy test shows how big the trauma is and when it was made in the past.  I cannot eliminate many traumas at one time, because there can be a positive reaction when the trauma is eliminated. So I eliminate them one or two at one session.

The energy work does not eliminate the obsession of the autism spectrum disorder, but after giving him the year and a half sessions, the emotional imbalance was reduced, the meridians were aligned and so the physical condition improved, and the trauma was eliminated each session, therefore he started to live life easier. The world is a stressful place even if you don't have autism spectrum disorder.  So I send my prayers to him along with my healing energy to make his life easier.