レイキは時々長時間送るよりも、毎日短時間送る方が効き目があります。毎日2、3分でいいのです。 彼女のすごいところは、毎日レイキを送ることを続けているところです。
こうやって、レイキやエネルギーの効力に気がついてくれて、使ったり、広めたりしてくれていること、とっても嬉しく思います。 忙しい人でも、毎日2、3分でもいいので使ってもらえばエネルギーが強くなっていきます。そしていざという時に使うととても役に立ちます。
⭐️Distance Reiki Healing
My Reiki student is doing a great job using Reiki.I taught her Reiki 1st degree in September, and after she finished a self-purification period she immediately took the Reiki 2nd degree class.
In the self-purification period you purify your body by sending reiki to your body's 12 positions every day after taking Reiki first degree and receiving Reiju attunement, You do it for 21 days. This will clear your body and make you become a good pipe for Reiki to pass through. Then you will be able to send clear and high wavelength energy to other people.
She began to feel energy after she took Reiki 1st degree. She started to heal her family after the end of the self-purification period. Her family members also began to feel the energy of Reiki and their health got better. After she learned Reiki 2nd degree, she started distant healing and sent Reiki to her family in Japan. Everyone got better health and the pain disappeared after she sent them Reiki. So now she sends Reiki to about 15 people including her friends and her friends' families every day.
Reiki is more effective when it is sent for a short period of time each day than when it is sent for a long time once a week. The great thing about her is that she keeps sending Reiki every day. It only takes a few minutes every day.
I'm very happy that she became aware of the effects of Reiki and is using and spreading it to other people. Even if you are busy, you can do it for a few minutes every day, and if you do it, your energy will become stronger and stronger. And it is very useful to use in an emergency.
I am currently doing the distant Reiki healing for a Japanese client. I am supposed to send Reiki for 120 minutes in a week, so I send Reiki for 10 to 20 minutes every day. This client is suffering from depression, but compared to the 1st session, he feels much calmer now.
By studying energy medicine, I have come to understand which emotional energies, such as anger, sadness, fear, worry, and agitation, are stored in the client's body. Therefore, every time I check which emotions are accumulated and while sending Reiki try to eliminate that negative emotion. At first, even if I eliminated the emotion, various emotions came out from deeper inside. But gradually, after I eliminate one emotion the period before the next emotion comes out is getting longer.
People accumulate emotional energy in their bodies and become traumatized, so taking away the accumulated emotions makes the mind lighter. Then your body becomes healthier since your mind and body are connected.
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