
Eden Energy Medicine Workshop


私が施述しているエネルギーヒーリング、Eden Energy Medicineの4日間のワークショップがサンディエゴでありました。
今回は3年目の最後のワークショップで、Energy Medicineの創始者のDonna Edenさんと、ご主人のDavid Feinsteinさんが最後のセレモニーに駆けつけてくださいました。
There was a workshop in San Diego.
In the last workshop, we learned how to prevent and heal cancer and detoxify the body, and this time we learned how to prevent and heal heart disease, how to find out if pain is accompanied by trauma and how to heal and eliminate that trauma. We also learned how to find out which meridians are involved in the pain and how to eliminate the pain by correcting them.
This was the last workshop of the third year, and Donna Eden, the founder of Energy Medicine, and her husband, David Feinstein, were there for the final ceremony.
When I hugged Donna, I felt a very warm energy flowing through me and I knew she was a person full of love. She is able to see energy and she told me that the color of my aura is purple. By the way, when I was doing healing sessions, as many as three clients told me that they could see purple around me.
Anyway, it was a great workshop.





普通はバランスをすぐに整えるのだけれど、その日はアジサイの花を買ってきていたので、暗くなる前に植えないといけなかった。なので自分の経絡はあとで整えることにしたて、庭で穴を掘って花を植えたり、いらない雑草を抜いたりした。1時間ほど経ってもう一度自分の経絡をチェックしてみると、 驚いたことにアンバランスだった経絡がすべて整っていた。


 Both excess and deficiency of energy in the meridians can cause problems in the body. For example, too much energy in the stomach meridian can cause nausea, acid reflux into the esophagus, and heartburn. If there is too little, not enough energy will be carried to the stomach, and the stomach will not be able to function properly. So it is important to correct the meridians periodically to eliminate imbalances and let the body learn the normal balance.

By the way, when I checked my meridians a few days ago, I found that five of the fourteen meridians were unbalanced. The Triple Warmer and the Heart meridians were over-energized, while the Spleen, Kidney and Liver meridians were under-energized.

Normally, I would restore the balance immediately, but I had bought hydrangea flowers that day and needed to plant them before it got dark. After an hour or so, I checked my meridians again and to my surprise, all the unbalanced meridians were in place.

It was wonderful to see that working in the garden not only grounded me, but also regulated my meridians. I am grateful for nature, plants and trees. It is our nature to live with nature, isn't it?