彼に最初に施術した時、まず表面にでてきている感情のアンバランスがあるか テストしてみました。すると怒り、悲しみ、心配、恐れ、動揺の全てが極度にアンバランスでした。なのでそれぞれの感情に対応する指圧ポイントをホールドしてレイキを送り、一つ一つの感情のアンバランスをなくしていきました。ところが、なくしてもなくしても、どんどん感情が奥から出てきて、結局セッションがおわったときは、まだどの感情も極度にアンバランスでした。週に2回セッションをすることになっていましたが、2回目のセッションでも少しはその度合いがましになりましたが、まだどの感情もアンバランスのままおわりました。
というのは 毎日ストレスがあるので、毎日感情のアンバランスが出てきており、レイキで減らしても、なかなか減っていかない状態でした。なので2週目からは、毎日20分間ほどレイキを送ることにしました。そうすると、どんどん感情のアンバランスは減っていきました。4週目くらいから表面の感情のアンバランスははほとんどなくなりました。
A client I do sessions with through Zoom suffered from abdominal pain every day due to mental stress. He couldn't go to school because his stomach hurts after every meal. It's called Irritable Bowel syndrome. He had many examinations at the various hospitals, but he was told that there was nothing wrong with his stomach and intestines, then when he went to a psychiatrist in the end, he was told it was mental illness and that he had depression.
In the first session I did for him, I did energy tests for any emotional imbalances that appeared on the surface. The emotions of anger, sadness, worry, fear, and panic were all extremely unbalanced. So I held the acupressure points corresponding to each emotion and sent Reiki to eliminate the imbalance of each emotion. However, those emotions began to emerge from deep inside, and when the session ended, all his emotions were still extremely unbalanced. I was supposed to have sessions twice a week, and although it was a little better in the second session, all the emotions were still unbalanced.
Because he still had stress every day, his emotional imbalance did not decrease even though I reduced some by sending Reiki. So from the second week, I decided to send Reiki for about 20 minutes every day. Then, the emotional imbalances gradually decreased. From about the 4th week, the emotional imbalances on the surface almost disappeared.
Now, I am daily healing the emotions deep inside, which are traumas, and the feelings that he had kept a lid on. Then he started to be able to do his school homework little by little and he could even take a test. Even now, his emotional imbalances appear from deep inside every day, but they have decreased considerably, and there were days last week when nothing came out. In such cases, I am adjusting the meridians. This is because when the meridians are balanced, his emotions will be stabilized.
Mental things are invisible, so they're hard to understand, but emotions are energy, and emotional imbalances can be discovered by the energy tests. That means it is physical. So it can be treated.
Many times clients say that they are anxious because they can't see if their mental illness is getting better, but it is obvious to me by the result of the energy tests. So I can say with confidence, "It's okay. You are getting better."